Do you offer certification?

There is no valid certification for herbalists. However, when you complete a course you will get a certificate and/or an evidence based Credly badge.

What’s included in a membership?

Access to all online courses as they are released, the Ultimate Herbal Database, our community here and on Facebook.

Can I purchase course modules individually?

Online course modules are available for individual purchase. The in-person courses are not available as individual classes.

How long have you been teaching?

I’ve been teaching off and on since 1972, I had a yoga school and a Montessori school. I’ve been teaching herbalism for 18 years.

Where can I find the Ultimate Herbal Database?

At this time you can visit and subscribe at Herbaldatabase.org. In the future it will also be available here.

Does the Ozark Herbal Academy have other teachers too?

Not at this time, although it’s definitely in the plans for the future.